
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Recipe for SphereBota

I wanted to have SphereBota - something like plotter allowing for painting the spherical objects (eggs, balls, baubles).
It was something like this:

The device itself is quite simple, because in contrast to the plotter uses the same rotation, which is easier to obtain than linear.
Because of the upcoming Easter holidays I wanted to created a device as soon as possible.
Not silyl in the manufacture of its electronics only used the not very well-liked by me Arduino platform.


Due to the fact that I have not found any project which is 100% that could serve (other mount motors, etc.), I decided to draw whole again.
I used openscad programs and QCad. The entire set of files can be found on my thinkiverse.
In addition to the printed parts the following parts were needed:
  • thread rod M10 + washers and nuts
  • thread rod M3, bolts M3 + washers and nuts
  • 2x bearings 6000
  • RC servo
  • arduino UNO
  • 2x stepstick
  • 2x step motor
  • spring (I got one from desoldering pump)
  • piece of rubber
  • marker pen


Time was important to me, so i try to adopt model on during the trial, however, I introduced some changes in the project. The final version is shown in the diagram:

In addition, I made a simple single-sided board so that electronics was nicely integrated into the structures of the device. Due to time constraints, I made PCB myself using a thermotransfer method.


I used the firmware from:
I only modified pinout maping and the parameter DEFAULT_PEN_UP_POSITION
so that when you print finishing servo was kept in the upper position.

To compile the firmware you have to overdub two libraries to arduino:


I draw the model in vectors in Inkscape.
To generate gcodes I using a plugin to the program:
The generated code sent to your device using the application processing environment: Though really you can use any simple terminal program.

How does it work:

Video from first test below:

Similar construction:


  1. Hai,

    Thank you to share this with us
    I've done everything that has been written and now I want to use Inkspace
    What should I do to use spherbota with inkscape

    Kind Regards

    1. Everything is above under SOFTWARE.
      You use inkscape-unicorn plugin to inkscape to generate g-code, and then processing (SphereBotSenderProcessing) to send it to SphereBot.

    2. Hai,
      If I upload SpherebotSenderProcessing in Processing 2.2.1 , he gave me an error in the software
      "CommListbox.captionLabel ().set (" PORT COM ";
      Also is above the comment screen "The captionLabel function () does not exist
      What can I do about that please
      If I spherebot sender.exe use ,I give com4 in and then send, but nothing happened only an extra empty frame
